Yukimura Haruki Calligraphy for Sale

Nawashi / 縄師

Nawashi / 縄師

There are many ways to put a Japanese character (kanji, 漢字) on paper. One could take a ruler and carefully trace each stroke or one could take a brush to give the kanji “character”. People who have contact with kinbaku grandmaster Yukimura Haruki (雪村春樹), either through private lessons at his residence or through workshops abroad, will often receive a personal shikishi (色紙, square cardboard paper used for celebratory messages) commemorating the encounter.

If sensei knows you longer he may even gift you with a more elaborate piece of shodō (書道, calligraphy). A select few have been given a bakushi name, some have received a teaching license.

Grandmaster Yukimura Haruki is multi-talented, renowned for his kinbaku, his poetic writings, his eye for beauty, equally adapt at serving up gourmet treats and using ink to create special images. It is not rare to find him at his residence using various types of fude (筆, brushes) to write or paint on Japanese paper covering the entire floor. On a recent visit to discuss an upcoming video project, yours truly was presented with a framed nawashi (縄師) calligraphy (see picture below).

Upon agreeing that such a work would be a truly unique wall adornment for any living room, rope space or dojo, sensei has agreed to produce selected art works on request. Choose your desired moji (文字, characters). Please direct requests and pricing inquiries to steve (at) osadasteve.com.

A special gift from sensei

A special gift from sensei


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