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Tokyo Kinky Interview
“Shibari is 90% emotional. The other half is technical.” This interview was first published on the TokyoKinky website. Following our…

Spanking Alert
We are interrupting our program to present to you a clip from last week’s Kinbaku Live @ Studio SIX. Keep…

LadyBirds Osada Steve has been featured in “Sex in the World” produced by Ladybirds Films. Enjoy the footage with the…

Front Row Seat! Sit back and enjoy this video.
Twenty years to date, in 1999, I had arranged weekly performances for grandmaster Osada Eikichi at the Mistress Bar in…
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Ito Seiyu (伊藤晴雨)
Pictures from Hell Ito Seiyu (1882-1961) has been pushing the envelope of kinbaku and torture imagery long before the “Golden…